The Strategic Plan Discussion of Dabindu Collective was held from 28.08.2022 to 30.08.2022 at Camelot Beach Hotel, Negombo. There was a three days’ workshop and the objective of the program is to build strategic plan for next five years. The program was funded by The Asia Foundation. The program started at around 9 A.M. and was attended by 15 workers between ages of 20 to 45 in various age groups. It was facilitated by Tehani Ariyarathne who is working for feminist activism. They discussed about current social issues which are facing by women apparel workers in Free Trade Zone. They shared their experience about issues regarding health and worker’s rights during covid 19 pandemic situation. In that workshop, Civil Society Organizations, women appeal workers, and staff members of Dabindu Collective shared their experiences for developing new strategies, activities and network building for Dabindu Collective organization.