In a meeting with the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL), the Da Bindu Group emphasized that the provision of necessary health facilities and supervision of health services in the recruitment of garment workers in the event of an epidemic was inadequate. At the same time, the Da Bindu Collective emphasized that there were weaknesses in quarantining workers suffering from Kovid 19 disease. In most cases, workers in the free trade zone are targeted for quarantine in military camps in the north. These people, who are brought back to their homes after a short quarantine period, have to live with minimal facilities. There is a general allegation that the health authorities are not looking into them properly. They also have to report back to work in a short period of time and in an unsanitary environment. The Human Rights Commission stated that it was a responsible body that acted in accordance with the Paris Charter. The 7th Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka is currently active. The meeting was attended by several community level human rights activists and organizations, including the Da Bindu Collective.
The Human Rights Commission pointed out that the public has been facilitated to access services online more systematically. It has also discussed with the authorities about providing facilities for prison inmates to communicate with their family members.
Attorney-at-Law Lakshan Dias, who was present at the meeting, called on the members of the commission to end their tenure.
Chamila Thushari, who addressed the gathering on behalf of the Da Bindu Collective, emphasized that the garment industry is recruiting the entire workforce despite the restrictions imposed by the public sector. Therefore, there is a risk of the epidemic spreading. She also said that there were a number of problems in quarantining the victims of the epidemic.
The health committees requested by the International Labor Organization have not yet been established. Chamila Thushari said that the task force of the Department of Labor often listens only to company owners. She pointed out that she had been appointed to represent workers in the National Plan for Human Rights for four years, but that the issues discussed there had not been implemented.